Free ISLE Resources

To implement the ISLE approach

To start, you need to get a copy of the textbook College Physics: Explore and Apply by Etkina, Planinsic and Van Heuvelen, published by Pearson (*2nd edition). You also need access to Pearson Mastering Physics platform to get access to the Active Learning Guide, On-line Active Learning Guide, Instructor Guide and other resources which are free. Then:

Join Community of ISLE users: To participate in the community of users, get access to the latest improvements and other suggestions, join ISLE Physics Forum at We have daily posts/discussions and monthly free online 2-hour workshops with an 8-hour free workshop in the summer. Use the link to join and start participating!

Explore Free ISLE-based curriculum modules (PUM – Physics Union Mathematics) for middle school, Physics First and high school

Take advantage of a complete ISLE-based Laboratory Program (for algebra- and calculus-based physics)

The website below contains the labs and the rubrics that can be used for student self-assessment

Use a set of ISLE Video Experiments

The website contains videotaped observational, testing, and application experiments for the ISLE cycles, questions for the students, experimental problems, and surprising data tasks. It is open to everybody. To be able to view instructor help you need to register – see the website. In addition, we have an ISLE youtube channel, check it out!

Try FREE collection of PIVOT INTERACTIVES ISLE-based  Video Experiments with questions

Play ISLE-based physics video games at